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Sep 19, 2021

Love versus everything else


  1. The Bible teaches us that God is love.  Am I right?  1 John 4:16 says:


And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.” 


However, the adversary of God knows this too.  So he does the opposite. The Bible says he comes to kill steal and destroy.

  1. The devil uses the same 3 tricks most of the time and we miss it.  We don’t see it.  
  2. We don’t recognize when we are being used by him to do his work.  It’s either Love or it’s everything else.


We don’t know that “friendship with the world is an enmity with God - James 4:4


You can’t be worldly and be Godly.  You can’t be left and be right.  You are either hot or cold.  Lukewarm coffee is nasty.  So is a lukewarm spirit.


God is love.  We like love.  I like love.  Growing up I couldn’t wait till I got a girlfriend to love.  I used to dream about it all the time.  Were you like that?  I was romantic too.  Couldn’t get a girlfriend to save my life.  I was awkward. I didn’t have any game.  I used to go to skating rink with my friend Chuckie.  Chucky was smooth.  Chuckie could skate like he was flying.  All I wanted back then was to be on the skating rink floor when they had the couples skating. That was going to be fire for me.  Me and her, skating through life together.

That was the extent of my love knowledge back then.  That wasn’t God.  It’s like how we think church is supposed to be but don’t have Gods love in it.