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Welcome to the Speak Life Podcast


We are a Gospel ministry reaching those in the field, on the water, on two wheels, behind a badge, and with a gun for Jesus Christ.

Proverbs 18:21 says that life and death are in the power of the tongue. We choose to speak life. L’chaim welcome to the speak life podcast.

The mission is to restore and strengthen the family; make followers of Jesus Christ, give hope, and to encourage one another. Rev. Blanchard officiates at weddings, funerals and provides pastoral service nationally to the individuals, couples and families. You can help this ministry grow:

We're helping others make better life choices, and provide a mobile Christian worship that transforms lives. We are making sense of things Eternal for those of us trying to live right, and enjoy the life we have.

Giving you what you might have missed in church when you were loving the outdoors, working, riding or serving. #hunters, #fisherman, #gunowners, #lawenforcement  #security, #veterans, #bikers



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Rev. Kenn Blanchard 

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Jan 27, 2019

John 11:1-46

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Music by Aretha Franklin, and Vanessa Bell Calloway the Speak Life Church has an ASCAP music license.

which is up for renewal. Please donate this week so we can continue to use copyrighted music legally on your...

Jan 23, 2019

Midweek thought. I Am Blessed!

Music by Rev. Gerald Patterson from Washington DC

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Please consider donating to your Speak Life Church.

Jan 20, 2019

15 Things To Stop Your Negative Thinking



The apostle Paul said, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things and the God of peace will...

Jan 13, 2019

Matthew 5:43-48 King James Version (KJV)


Rejoice Ye Pure In Heart

Dear Lord, Forgive -  Mahalia Jackson - the Speak Life Church has an ASCAP music license.

Jesus Use Me - Min Isaac 

Praying for you.

We are a Going Church to A Coming Christ




Jan 6, 2019

We are all going through something.  Talking about salvation.  Are you Saved?  Are you afraid of losing yours?  Old Testament reading the book of Jeremiah.  Praying for you.

Music from Voices United (Arlington, VA)  the Speak Life Church has an ASCAP music license.



We are a Going Church to A Coming...