Feb 25, 2018
Has your anger, frustration kept you from talking to God? Are you cursing Him or blessing Him?
The Scriptures tell us that David was a man who waited. At different times, he felt abandoned by God. He was angry. He was lonely. He didn’t know what the future would hold for him, but he knew he was being hunted by his...
Feb 21, 2018
Feb 14, 2018
Have you ever wondered aloud; What Now, Lord? (Mark 10:28) Have you ever felt that Christians like us should get a pass from all the mess that happens to us? Talking about that and what happened last week on my trip to Orlando, FL. Bible Reading and a prayer for us. Please join.speaklifepodcast.com so you can be a member...
Feb 3, 2018
The title is a simple question that touches on our personal issues, fears and beliefs. Some of our time issues are cultural, some ethnic and some selfish. I talk about that and I hope it comes out right.
Explaining why I talk about financial tips on this show, and how the Prosperity Gospel is false. Our bible...