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Nov 26, 2023

The sin of self righteousness. 

Self-righteousness is a sin that can be very deceptive. Self-righteousness is the most deceptive of all sins because it gives you the illusion that you are doing what is right, true, and good before God, yet the whole time you are an abomination to Him 1. Similarly, a lesson by

Nov 19, 2023

I didn't know there was going to be a part two until earlier this week.

If we sincerely desire to see God restore our soul, we need to make time to rest, reflect, and replenish. We cannot expect to live with a fresh sense of God’s presence in our lives if we constantly rush from one issue to the next. To be restored...

Nov 12, 2023

Restoration can be defined as the act of returning something to its former condition. Making something new again. Restoring can also make things better than their current state. The Bible says a lot about this. Our Heavenly Father’s restoring power is one of the greatest promises from Scripture. 

God loves us and...

Nov 5, 2023

  1. The Anti-Christ- who is this joker?
  2. 666
  3. Apostasy 


Praying for you. is still a thing as I transitioned from gun rights to blessing other through music.  Pray for me on that one.


If you have questions, please email me: or 



New book is out on...