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Feb 23, 2020

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Matthew 5:6

What is right these day?

Everything is everything. 

I hate that phrase and don’t even know why. Not the song from Donny Hathaway or Lauren Hill.  But the street slang  

If you did what was right as a Christian, you...

Feb 16, 2020

The episode starts with Psalm 139:7-12 which declares there is NO Place you can go where the Lord can’t go and find you. That is good news if you are feeling bad. To undo that feeling, we are going to offer a prayer of thanksgiving. Praise puts us in the right relationship with God. It brings us closer to Him. That...

Feb 9, 2020

What is church?

Who is the Church?

Last letters of the Apostle Paul.

Music by Sara and Jon Greene


What is the church?  The church can be understood in two ways: the visible and the invisible. The visible church is comprised of all who claim the name of Christian and who...

Feb 2, 2020

Facts about Hell Song by Jaime Wilson "ain't no grave". ASCAP music license for Speak Life Church Pauls last letters in the New Testament 202-780-1279 for Men Tuesday 1930 starts again
