Feb 21, 2018
on top of the tragedy of the senseless murder of two teachers
and 15 students in parkland florida, there have been copycats
around the country.
For some people it is the guns.
For others it is mental health
Some point the finger at violence in our culture, video
games, movies
a small number dare call it evil.
We could argue all day about this rifle and others like
it. We could wax and wane philosophically about
magazine capacities, barrel lengths, military styles versus
hunting uses, we can use words like assault weapon and
such but most that do are either willfully ignorant about the
mechanics of firearms or dishonest because they use the ignorance
of others to further their own agendas.
Politics is a dirty business. Gun control is an
evergreen subject. And that is why I jumped into the debate
25 years ago using the name black man with a gun
Can we talk for real right now?
hurt people hurt people.
a person killed
Coach Feis
Mr. Biegel
Mr. Hixon
I didn’t know any of them but they are like the kids and
friends we all have. Don’t let them be exploited. There
is a time for everything, its right to mourn.
for all the pro-rights, freedom loving people watching me
right now, please pause and slow your roll, on attacking our
neighbors that are grieving,
it is said that grief has 5 stages to it. there is
denial, anger which we see right now, and that is making headlines,
there is the bargaining which our politicians are loving, there is
the depression and the sense of hopelessness that our children have
because there doesn’t seem to be a solution to the darkness.
and there are those that accept it. they don’t like it,
but they figure there is nothing that can be done.
how about we stop for a minute and consider each other.
One nation, two sides, same problem
Murder has always been wrong since a brother killed his
younger brother over jealousy, envy and selfishness
Murder has been against the law
Here are some truths
you cannot legislate human behavior
criminals and the insane do not follow the law
we have background checks, they are different depending
on the state but they cannot predict or prevent evil
evil exist
An AR-15 is an easy target for legislation, and sound bytes
but not the cause of the massacre in Parkland
There is no silver bullet,
You can blame the NRA all you want, they didn’t kill
we as a people have take responsibility for each other.
we know when someone is broken, hurting and is a little off,
and our silence kills
we know of vets, kids, adults, friends and family that
shouldn’t have access to ways they can hurt themselves or others
but we don’t say anything.
The guy that killed his brother Abel, asked the question, AM I
you are.
We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken,
society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore
the American precept that each individual is accountable for his
Pray for our nation, pray for your community, pray for your
and try to help that person that is alone, hurting and may be
a danger in the future.
We are all in some stage of grief, you may not agree with me,
but think about what I have said.
We use social media and tech to connect with people for
everything else, how about being there for each other more.