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Apr 28, 2024


Fact #1: Mary comes from the Old Testament name Miriam which carries a meaning of bitterness, sorrow and trouble.

Mary was from the tribe of Judah and the lineage of David. This was a. fulfillment of the prophecy (Isaiah 11:1, Jeremiah 23:5-6)

Fact #3: Mary was poor and was raised in a small, remote village called Nazareth. 

Fact #4: Mary was uneducated according to the standard of the world but knew God for herself.

Fact #5: Mary was in the first stage of marriage. In Jewish practices, marriages had 3 stages. In the first step was the signing of the contract called a ketubbah.

The couple was married but were not permitted to have sex. That why the Bible says she was betrothed. A betrothal could only be broken by death or divorce.

Which is why although they had not yet engaged in sex, Joseph was going to divorce her.

Fact #6: How old was Mary when she gave birth to Jesus? Betrothal usually happened right after puberty so Mary was likely in her early teens when she became pregnant and gave birth to Jesus. 

Fact #7: Due to her pregnancy Mary did not enter the second stage of marriage until after Jesus was born. In this stage, the marriage was consummated. And in the final stage, a celebratory feast was held.

Fact #8: Jesus was Mary’s firstborn. She had other children afterwards (Luke 2:7.) She had four sons and an undisclosed number of daughters (Mark 6:3; Matt 13:55,56) 


Song at the end was from Sarah (A listener like you)