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Feb 16, 2019

The Secrets Of Meekness

Pride is the opposite of meekness. What is the true meaning of being meek? Jesus said, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” Matthew 5:5.

The word meek can often come with negative connotations. It may be that people see being meek as being a doormat, for people to walk all over. In fact, one dictionary defines meekness as “overly submissive or compliant; spiritless; tame.” Yet Jesus described Himself as meek and lowly in heart (Matthew 11:29), and we know that the Man who defied the Pharisees, overturned the tables of the moneychangers in the temple, and never backed down from wielding the truth was not spiritless or tame.

Meekness and timidity synonyms in the earthly sense but… Being meek must never be confused with being timid. A timid spirit is the exact opposite of a meek spirit! The quietness which accompanies meekness is the result of one’s trust in the Lord, whereas the quietness of timidity is the result of one’s lack of trust. We are to receive with meekness the words implanted in us. (James 1:21)

When the Word judges and chastens us; when it divides between soul and spirit, and joints and marrow; when it crushes and humbles us; when it takes away; when it lays us bare – then it is vital to be quiet and meek and admit that the Word is right. Then we need to keep our mouth closed instead of answering back, defending and excusing ourselves! Then we will be led further on the way of life; we will be increasingly beautified with salvation — step by step.

A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Words and Music by Martin Luther Additional Words and Music by Matt Boswell Performed by Matt Boswell -the Speak Life Church has an ASCAP music license.